Sunday, 12 September 2010


Minutes of A.G.M. on 8 September 2010

Attendees: Jeff McGhie, Sherry Houlihan, Mrs McClure, Tammy, Julie Moran
Anne Williamson, Avril Knox, Barbara, Amanda Arkell

Apologies: Michelle McArthur, Vicky Carr, Debbie Innes, Christine Fairbairn

■ Introduction/Welcome

Jeff welcomed and thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. Minutes from the last meeting were approved and signed and no changes were made.

■ Income and Expenditure for 2009-2010

The Income and Expenditure report is still being finalised and will be distributed to the group once this is available. The majority of expenditure for the last school year was used to subsidise school trips, from nursery to P7. The balance left in our account is approximately £500.00. The devolved budget, which is kept separate and is funded by Stirling Council, was used to purchase things like the school calendars, pay for food hygiene courses and equipment for the tuck shop, and paper and photocopying costs for the Parent Council.

The devolved budget available for 2010 - 2011 is £380.00. The cost of this years calendars will be taken from this budget, along with the insurance policy costs to cover discos and other events run by the Parent Council and any other appropriate running/admin costs.

■ Office Bearers for the new school year

The roles that were filled are as follows;

Secretary – Julie Moran
Chair - Jeff McGhie
Treasurer –Anne Williamson

■ Headteacher’s Report/Update

This is attached for your information, which Mrs McClure discussed at the meeting. As confirmed during our discussions Avril has agreed to help with the funding process for the Grounds for Learning Group and will liaise with Mrs McClure regarding this.

■ A.O.B

1. Sherry spoke about the Parent Council doing a fundraising event in the near future to boost our funds. She mentioned a few ideas, e.g. race night, or some kind of active sponsored event that the children can get involved with like a sponsored cycle.

Action: Sherry agreed to speak with Fraser Crawford from Active Stirling about the ideas discussed and will communicate her findings to the rest of the group, so that we can try and organise this sometime in October.

2. Amanda asked if the school was anywhere nearer to obtaining their first Eco Green Flag. Mrs McClure confirmed this was in the school’s plans and was achievable this school year.

3. Parents wanted to know the time for the P7 open night event at Bannockburn High School as noted on the calendar.

Action: Mrs McClure has since confirmed that this has been postponed and details will be communicated to P7 parents/carers to confirm this.

4. The date for the Halloween Disco has been scheduled for Wednesday 27 October in the school. I’ve asked Irene Gower to book the let for this and will pass round a checklist shortly looking for volunteers to help with this, similar to what we have done with previous school discos.

■ Date of Next Meeting

As mentioned this has been set for Wednesday 20 October at 7pm in the school. Hope to see you all there!


Parent Council AGM- 8th September 2010

HT interviews set for Sept 23rd with visit to the school on Sept 22nd
-A. McClure Acting Headteacher and C. Armitage Acting Depute Headteacher
-Jude Attwood- currently in p2/3 while Christina Press is on maternity leave and Nicole Black in p4
-Ashleigh Cairns- probationer teacher in p3 class (classroom was previously the station) - accommodation is working well.
-Alison Bell who was appointed in June to do the one day a week non contact time is temporarily sharing the p1 class with C. Armitage. (AB on Mon, Tues and Fri) (CA on Wed and Thurs).
- Jill Turner a supply teacher is currently working on Thurs to cover the one day a week non contact time.
On the appointment of the new HT, J. Turner will leave, A. Bell will only work on Thursdays, C. Armitage will revert to full time in p1 and A. McClure will teach 2 days in p3.
We have a supply SLA in place for 15hours (exceptional needs) – Christina McFazden and permission was just granted yesterday to advertise this post internally.
We also got permission to advertise for a full time SLA (again internally) to help with issues arising from the refurbishment. All new appointments have to go through a vacancy management panel.

No University teaching students allocated to Cowie as yet but Forth Valley HNC student begins in the nursery 20.09.10

School Roll
21 new primary one pupils with a total roll of 137 (79 boys and 58 girls).
51 children in the nursery.

Parent Council has a budget of £380
Any property charges will currently be picked up by the centre.

Update of plans- small extension which can be used by the community (restricted access to the school)
Phase 1- Begins on November 15th 2010- Expected to take 10 weeks
Hall, dining room and kitchen to be stripped out and made into classrooms.
As previously indicated the community centre will be used for all PE, assemblies and lunches.
Council providing a ‘walk in’ container which will be parked outside the community centre so that all the PE equipment can be stored and accessed easily.
A temporary security system will be installed (access controlled) at the entrance to the community centre.
There are enough tables and chairs to accommodate all our packed lunches and dinners. On an average day we have 75 pupils taking packed lunch and 50 taking school dinner.
Decision has not yet been made re where the meals will come from but the service area within the centre is fine.
Discussions to take place over the next few weeks
¨ Who is opening and closing the community centre?- There is a caretaker but he only works 15hours
¨ Setting up the tables and clearing away? What happens when the janitor is on backshift?

¨ How the PE equipment is best accessed- by an SLA or by the janitor first thing in the morning.

¨ New timetabling –classes working together. This will be necessary to ensure 2 hours of PE for all as the centre has some commitments which it has to honour (School will have no access to the centre on Thurs (am)and Wed (pm).
Actions prior to November
¨ Keeping children safe. HT and DHT (in discussion with staff), to draw up procedures (including level of staffing)for moving back and forwards, fire assembly points, what to do when a child has an appointment, entering the playground, etc.
¨ All equipment resources in the hall area to be boxed, organized and labeled.
Phase 2 – Begins Friday February 11th 2011 (just before the holiday period) – p4, p6 and p7 classes to move into the new classrooms. P5 class will remain upstairs. All ERIS resources will be relocated prior to this and all classroom resources boxed to be ready for decanting to the lower area.
There will be wiring put in for a cashless catering system- fingers scanned.

MUGA update- Douglas Campbell said there was an error on the BS standard for the specification so delay to the start date.
Re Tender issue date -26th August
Tender return date- 3rd September
Site start – 11th Oct
Envisaged completion date- 5th November 2010

Parental Involvement Officer
Lesley Anne Livesey made contact last week and asked if the Parent Council Chairperson could make contact with her so that he is on the mailing list for any relevant information. She asked that parents make suggestions as to what they might wish to see happening e.g. First aid Training for parents.

As the building works will impact on the area of the playground next to the hall and then the section where the upper classes line up, it seems appropriate to work on the middles section this year. Janitor has been asked to get quotes to remove the tarmac in the section at the wall. Following an incident at a Stirling school where a child was badly injured on equipment that the Parent Council had arranged to have installed, ROSPA is coming to inspect any playground equipment. In addition contact must be made with the property maintenance inspector prior to any installation of equipment. In addition to developing the one area, the priority this session is to acquire as much funding as possible. Jean Cowie at Viewforth and Di Blackmore from Forth Environment Link might be able to help.

Other matters
-Real issue of parents/carers keeping the school updated with phone numbers and contact details. A number of occasions already this term where numbers on record were unobtainable. Any suggestions? ID card/homework task, homework diary (good ideas).
- Many thanks for the calendars. Not on this because it was only just booked is the Scholastic book Fayre which will be November 16th- 23rd.
- Parental coffee mornings – Only for nursery parents/carers at present. Extend to the school? Tie into book fayre, etc –good idea.
- Meet the teacher event on Thursday 16th September 6-7pm Quite informal


Minutes of meeting on Wednesday 2 June 2010

Attendees: Audrey Ross, Anne Williamson, Julie Moran, Jeff McGhie,
Sherry Houlihan, Barbara, Tammy

Apologies: Vicky Carr, Amanda Arkell, Christine Fairbairn, Avril Knox, Michelle McArthur,
Debbie Innes

■ Introduction/Welcome

Jeff thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. Minutes were approved and signed and no changes were made.

■ Headteacher’s Report/Update

Attached for your information.

■ A.O.B

1. It was agreed the Fruity Friday Ice-Cream day would go ahead on 11 June 2010. This went down a treat and the children really enjoyed it. It was a welcome change to the usual fruity treats.

2. Julie confirmed the autograph books were ordered and delivered to the school for the P7 graduation day.

3. Sherry mentioned the car boot sale idea was great but parents/carers needed more notice, which is the reason it was postponed in May 2010. We agreed to consider this again at the start of the new term.

4. Mrs Ross confirmed that the end of term church service was being organised by Mrs McClure.

■ Dates of Next Meetings

The proposed dates are shown below. I will check that the lets are available for these dates and will confirm any changes to be made.

1 September 2010 AGM (Annual General Meeting)
20 October 2010
1 December 2010
2 February 2011
20 April 2011
8 June 2011

Monday, 3 May 2010

Minutes of meeting on Wednesday 21 April 2010

Minutes of meeting on Wednesday 21 April 2010

Attendees: Audrey Ross, Anne Williamson, Tammy, Julie Moran, Debbie Innes,
Jeff McGhie, Sherry Houlihan, Avril Knox, Michelle McArthur

Apologies: Vicky Carr, Amanda Arkell, Christine Fairbairn

■ Introduction/Welcome

Jeff thanked everyone for coming to the meeting. Minutes were approved and signed and no changes were made.

■ Headteacher’s Report/Update

This will follow separately.

We agreed that we would subsidise the summer school trips for each child in the school and nursery by £5.00, based on the current level of funding available in the Parent Council Account.

■ A.O.B

1. The group spoke about having a fund raiser before the end of the school year, to boost the funds in our account for the start of the new school year. Julie spoke about a pamper night similar to what the nursery did last year and proved to be very successful. Amanda Arkell spoke to Mrs Love about this and Mrs Love seemed more than happy to get involved and help the group organise this event. However, as we don’t have much time before the end of the school year this is something we can look at next term.

Another idea mentioned was a car boot sale to be held in the school grounds, with home baking, teas and coffees etc. Debbie agreed to co-ordinate this event, communicate and pull in other members of the group to help organise and advertise this.

Action – Debbie to organise a suitable date for the car boot sale, communicate this with the rest of the group, and Mrs Ross so that she can organise the let for the school. She will also pull in other members of the group as and when needed to help organise and advertise this event in the local press, village shops and school.

2. Mrs Ross has had very good feedback about the school calendars which were organised and funded by the Parent Council for the 2009 – 2010 school year. She asked if we would be prepared to do something similar again for the next school year?

Action – Julie has the template for the calendars and agreed to organise. Mrs Ross to pass school dates to Julie in due course.

3. Congratulations to both Anne and Avril who both passed their food hygiene course recently.

4. Each year the Parent Council organise and fund the Primary 7 leavers party. Mrs Ross confirmed that Mr Stevenson had already spoke to the Primary 7 class to ask what they wanted to do this year. The class opted for M & D’s Theme Park in Glasgow at a cost of approximately £10.00 per child. Arrangements for this trip are already underway.

Last year the Parent Council funded autograph books for the Primary 7 children as a leavers gift, and they were handed to them at their graduation party/assembly.

Action - Julie agreed to look at the costs of the autograph books, to do the same again this year.

5. Debbie passed on some positive feedback about the closure of the school gates to Mrs Ross and the group.

6. Anne asked if the school were on track to obtain their first green flag, now that St Margarets is visible, as some children see this as an important milestone. Mrs Ross confirmed that we are on track.

Action - Anne agreed to donate her compost bucket to the school. Tammy mentioned that her partner would help out with keeping our playground tidy. Julie mentioned to Mrs Ross that parent volunteers to help with the nursery/school gardening would be helpful.

7. Debbie spoke about tile photo art work which is being done in the new hospital and thought the school would be interested in this.

Action – Debbie to provide further details and costs to Mrs Ross, so that this can be considered further.

■ Date of Next Meeting

The date of our next meeting is Wednesday 2 June 2010 at 7pm in the school. Hope to see you all there. Please pass your agenda items to Julie Moran before this meeting! Mrs Ross can you please orgainse the let for this meeting.

Headteacher report for Parent Council
April 2010

Reduction of class sizes for P1-P3
Additional staff member to facilitate classes of 18 and under. New class teacher appointed and will begin in August 2010.
Information to be sent to parents regarding next years classes during the first week in May. This will mean eight classes but with only seven current classrooms, we will use The Station with a spill out facility.

Due to begin in October 2010. PE and lunches will require to be in the Community Centre. Four new classrooms, a new gym, kitchen and dining hall will be built. Lunches will be made in the kitchens at St. Margaret’s by our staff and transported across.

School Trips
Is it possible for the Parent Council to continue to subsidise school trips? In the past two years it has been £5 per child and also funding the P7 Leavers’ Experience.
The P7 would like to go to M7Ds in Motherwell. The breakdown of costs for this is as follows:
£7.25 unlimited access band
£3.00 wimpy meal ( Burger, chips and a drink)
£10.25 per child
£4.60 for adults

22 children £225.50
3 adults £13.80

Total Cost £239.30

If £6 per head was paid this would be a total of £1056 ( 176 children from Nursery to P6

If The Parent Council funded the P7 M7 Ds experience and £6 per head the total contribution by them would be £1295.30

The school fund would pay for the bus to and from M&Ds

Trips organised so far are:
Nursery Blair Drummond Safari Park P1-3 to Auchingarrich Wildlife Centre
P4 to the Royal Highland Show
P5 and P6 to The Science Centre
P7 M&Ds

Gardening Plans
The Parent Council had previously agreed to part subsidise getting plans drawn up for the school grounds. The Grounds group have secured a landscape company who are willing to do this for us as a goodwill / publicity gesture and so no subsidy will be required.

School calendars
These were a great success, costs involved were £150.
Will The Parent Council be able to support this next session?

Fruity Friday
This is a great success and very popular with the children and staff alike. Perhaps we need to think about a slight rise in prices to cover all expenditure.

Dates for your diary

Fun Day
Help required – organising stalls Friday 4th June

Sports day
11th June

Issued to parents Friday 11th June 2010

Theatre Visit
31st May Kosmic Krew funded by the school fund.

Internet Safety Night
St. Margaret’s Primary have invited our Parents along to an Internet safety night on 18th May. Joe Shaw from Stirling Council’s ICT Development team will be explaining what parents can do to keep their children safe online.

Headteachers Report from Parent Council Meeting in February 2010

Parent Council Meeting
3rd February 2010

HT Report

Enrolled 25 children – some may be deferred entries where parents can request an additional year in nursery.

Mrs Armitage still absent – off for another week. Duck’s cafĂ© and P1 Parents Evening will have to be postponed, letters to be issued tomorrow

Heart for Haiti – raised £159

Healthy Tuckshop – popular with children and staff

Dates for Diary

9th P6 Assembly
Parent Consultation on 11th – teas and coffees to be provided
15th – 19th Feb children on holiday from school
Health Week 8th -12th March
13th March Keeping our Children Safe on the Internet
P7 trip to Dalguise 15th – 17th March
Additional CfE day Tuesday 4th May 2010

Mrs Ross has asked for parents to be involved in the school improvement planning process. Parents who are able to should meet at school for a Parent Focus group on Friday 26th February at 11am – volunteers to come along. At this meeting it is hoped to devise a format for a whole school parental/ child survey.

Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday 3 February 2010

Minutes of meeting on Wednesday 3 February 2010

Attendees: Audrey Ross, Anne Williamson, Barbara, Tammy, Julie Moran, Debbie Innes,
Christine Fairbairn, Jeff McGhie, Lesley Malkin

Apologies: Vicky Carr, Avril Knox, Amanda Arkell, Michelle McArthur, Sherry Houlihan

■ Introduction/Welcome

Jeff thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.

■ School Refurbishment Plan

Lesley Malkin, Corporate Asset Manager, from Stirling Council came to speak to us about a future refurbishment of the school. The good news is that Cowie Primary School is the next priority for the financial year 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011. Resources permitted, the Council hope to finish the refurbishment of the school so that they do not need to return to carry out further work again for years to come.

Lesley wanted to have some input from the parents who have children at the school, what things they would like to see improved. The main priorities mentioned were the gym/assembly hall which is too small for the size of the school and needs to be made a lot bigger with a staged area, dining room and kitchen area need modernised, condition of the upper classrooms which need to be updated in-line with the refurbishment of the nursery and P1-P3 classrooms. The general maintenance of the school was also discussed i.e. drainage, guttering, and the grounds outside. Lesley mentioned that the Grounds for Learning group should link in with her for any plans they have to improve the playground, in view of the future refurbishment of the school.

Lesley confirmed that our comments will form part of the refurbishment brief outlined for the school. An architect will be assigned to draw up plans which will be submitted to the planning department for planning permission and a building warrant. Hopefully, works will start soon afterwards. Lesley will keep the group updated with the progress of this. We also agreed that the works should be carried out with minimal disruption to the children and further discussions will need to take place to decide on how this will happen.

■ Amend and Approve minutes from last meeting on 18 November 2009

No amendments made and minutes approved.

■ Headteacher’s Report/Update

Attached for your information.

■ National Parental Involvement Event & Local Events

Jeff gave us details of the National Parental Involvement Event to be held at the Radisson Hotel in Edinburgh on 20 March 2010. Invitations were distributed. If you are interested in attending you should contact Mike Kincaid at by Friday 26 February. This event is an opportunity to find out how parents and staff are working together to get the best for children and young people.

Copies of the latest Parent Council Newsletter dated January 2010, were also handed out. A copy is available in the Parent Council Folder for anyone that was not at the meeting.

A half day event to be held by Stirling Council in March 2010 at the Raploch Campus was also mentioned (theme - keeping our children safe and will include issues such as bullying and internet safety). Further details will follow in the next school newsletter.

Action – Mrs Ross can you include brief details of the event to be held at the Raploch Campus in March in the next school newsletter, for parents who are interested in attending and want to book their place for this.

■ A.O.B

1. Anne suggested having an Easter Disco for the children, as the Valentine one did not go ahead this year. The date mentioned was Wednesday 31 March 2010.

Action – Julie agreed to ask Michelle if Gavin is available to do the disco on this date and then further arrangements can be made to organise this and communication done.

2. Art fund raising ideas were shown to the group to consider for the summer fayre at the school. Mrs Ross is keen for the Parent Council to be involved in this.

■ Date of Next Meeting

The date of our next meeting is Wednesday 21 April 2010 at 7pm in the school. Hope to see you all there. Please pass your agenda items to Julie Moran before this meeting! Mrs Ross can you please orgainse the let for this meeting.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Parent Council Meeting - Minutes 18 November 2009

Minutes of meeting on Wednesday 18 November 2009

Attendees: Audrey Ross, Anne Williamson, Michelle McArthur, Barbara, Tammy Sherry Houlihan, Jeff McGhie, Julie Moran, Debbie Innes

Apologies: Rachel Byrne, Vicky Carr, Avril Knox, Amanda Arkell

■ Introduction/Welcome

Jeff thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.

■ Amend and Approve minutes from last meeting on 7 October 2009

No amendments made and minutes approved.

Anne Williamson confirmed the amount of £193.35 raised from Halloween Disco.

■ Headteacher’s Report/Update

Attached for your information.

■ Update about Healthy Tuckshop

Some members of the Parent Council have agreed to oversee and run this on a trail basis to see how it works. A taster session will be held at school during break time on Friday 18 December. All children will be able to taste some healthy fruity snacks and shakes that will be made available, and will receive a leaflet with further details about the tuckshop. We plan to run this every Friday after the Christmas break and will report back to the group on how this is going at our next meeting. We hope to get other available parent helpers involved to help out with this on a rota basis.

■ Fundraising/Event Update

Nothing to report.

Mrs Ross suggested at the meeting and in her update that we have a think about running an event for parents, i.e. ‘Yummy Mummy’ night, or coffee mornings. The group agreed to consider this for the following term.

■ A.O.B

1. The group asked Mrs Ross if photo calendars of the children in their costumes would be on sale again at the Christmas Concert.

Action – Mrs Ross agreed to speak to Mrs Stubberfield who helped organise this last time.

2. Mrs Ross spoke about the Transition Group (from primary to high school) which will start up again in January 2010 and parent volunteers from P6/P7 will be needed.

3. Debbie mentioned the steps which lead from the school to Scotstoun Road, as they are in a very poor state of repair and could cause an accident.

Action – Mrs Ross will look into this and report back to the group with her findings at our next meeting.

■ Date of Next Meeting

The date of our next meeting is Wednesday 3 February 2010 at 7pm in the school. Hope to see you all there. Please pass your agenda items to Julie Moran before this meeting! Mrs Ross can you please orgainse the let for this meeting.


Parent Council Meeting
18th November 2009

Mrs Ross suggested that the order of the meeting should be as follows:

Minutes should be read and approved.
Matters Arising from Minutes should be gone over
Any Standing items to be included
HT Report
Fundraising Committee

HT Report

IWB installed in P4 – only one for P3 required now cost £2750 plus a desktop at £415, plus a license approximately £3225

Refurbishment – Upper cloakroom now finished although more coat pegs are required. New toilets also operational.

Christmas Concert – letter re. tickets will be issued tomorrow (Thursday 19th Nov), ticket allocation by 27th November, then all extra tickets will go on sale. Raffle tickets will also be issued. Raffle will be drawn at the evening performance.

E mail – trying to put more and more out by e mail or placing on the school website.

Sports Awards Evening – 25th November

Remembrance service – held jointly with St. Margaret’s on November 11th at War Memorial

Initiatives for Parent Council
Tuck Shop
Fundraising ?
Parents’ Coffee Morning – monthly, termly?

School Fundraising
Fun Day in June as always
Events team to organise a school sponsored event
Comic Relief event