Attendees: Keith MacAskill, Audrey Ross, Vicky Carr, Rachel Byrne,
Bernadette Wheatley, Anne Williamson, Amanda Arkell
Apologies: Avril Knox, Christine Fairbairn, Debbie Innes, Scott Ferguson,
Julie Moran, Michelle McArthur
Keith welcomed and thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.
Amend and approve minutes from last meeting on 12 March 2008
1. It was confirmed that Scott had up-dated the School web-site and now had a feedback/comments facility.
2. The Community Centre access point is now open.
3. Mrs Ross agreed that the Eco-Group would be happy to liaise with the Parent Council with regards to a Community Clean-up. It was agreed that combining the two schools would work well.
Action: No update from Debbie who agreed to speak to her Dad who is part of the Community Council, to see how they can help.
Action: Rachel will continue to follow up the previous action point and speak to Bob Wylie about the £10,000 grant mentioned during an earlier Pupil Council Meeting.
Action: Julie will contact Margaret Brisley again for a response to her previous communication, about the concerns over pedestrian safety at Mount Oliphant.
4. We spoke again about using some of the Parent Council funds to buy water bottles for children to use during school time. Before taking any further action with this, we will speak to Debbie to get an update as she was going to ask her employer about the availability of free water bottles. Mrs Ross also agreed to speak to Mrs Young who may have contacts at Highland Spring. Rachel confirmed this company kindly donated water for ‘Fun Fit Friday’. We would also need to confirm numbers to include the new Primary 1’s. It was suggested that we sell the water bottles on the Fun Day but it was agreed after some discussion that some children might not bring them back to school after the holidays.
Action: Debbie to update the group on the availability of free water bottles from her employer. Mrs Ross to speak to Mrs Young.
5. Mrs Ross confirmed that she had some logos and would show them at the next meeting.
6. Mrs Ross confirmed the School Uniform Order for this year included homework satchels.
7. Mrs Ross confirmed she had spoken to Mrs Young regarding the Primary 7 Graduation Party and the school would like help from the Parent Council with this event. Mrs Ross confirmed that there would be 15 children graduating.
Action: Rachel agreed to speak to the P7’s to find out what kind of party they would like.
8. Mrs Ross confirmed that she had still not received the HMI Report.
1. The Fund Raising Group confirmed that they had decided not to organise a fundraising event as there was alot going on in the school during the last two months of term i.e. Fun Day, Sports Day, School Trips and P7 Graduation etc.
Action: To obtain school forward plan from Mrs Ross so fundraising can be organised in advance for the following year.
2. Keith suggested to the group that we wait until the AGM Meeting to elect a Treasurer/second signatory for the Parent Council Account. The funds raised so far are kept in the school funds account. Rachel informed the group that including the devolved budget of £380.00 there was £1233.57 altogether. As mentioned in the last meeting the Parent Council are donating £5.00 per child to help towards the cost of their end of term excursions.
Action: Treasurer to be elected at AGM.
3. Sports Day will be organised by Primary 5 and Mrs Fleming as part of their Citizenship topic. Mrs Ross informed the group that the ‘huts’ should be moved in time for Sports Day on 6 June 2008. She confirmed however in the event of the grassed area not being available Mrs Devlin at St Margaret’s agreed for the school to use their playing field. The group voiced their concerns over the organisation of last years Sports Day confusion over time, potted sports in morning and races in afternoon resulting in parents coming to school twice etc. Mrs Ross also advised the group that there is a possibility of the grassed area being covered with astro turf. Claire Stevenson Chairperson of St Margaret’s Parent Council may be obtaining the turf from Forthbank, Stirling – this is still to be confirmed.
Action: Mrs Ross will investigate further into the running of Sports Day and discuss with Primary 5/Mrs Fleming.
4. Unfortunately the playground has been left in disarray after the building works. Mrs Ross confirmed that after numerous communications with contractors the various potholes left as a result of the refurbishment have now been repaired. The litter in the playground is still a concern. Mrs Ross also confirmed that the Pupil Council was now eager to spend some of the money they raised on equipment and staged area as planned before the refurbishment. There was some confusion over whether or not children could play football. Mrs Wheatley confirmed that a new football rota had been started for the P4-P7’s and that it was only stopped due to the lack of space during the building works. There is a possibility that football markings may be laid for the P4-P7’s as previously mentioned by the Pupil Council and that the P1 - P3’s could play football on the grassed/astro turf area.
Action: Mrs Ross will speak to School Janitor regarding litter.
5. Some members of the group voiced their concern with regards to dogs being allowed in the playground during school hours. Bannockburn Primary School has ‘No dogs allowed’ signs however Mrs Ross said they didn’t make that much difference.
Action: Mrs Ross will look into Stirling Council’s policy on this matter and may obtain signs in due course.
6. It was confirmed that the Community Centre is not being used for gym as the classes are now going outside.
1. The group asked Mrs Ross if the school would like any help from the Parent Council during the Fun Day or whether we should have our own stall. It was decided that the Parent Council would choose to run two stalls. Mrs Ross showed the group a list of activities/stalls and ‘Guess the combination of the safe’ and ‘How many sweets in the jar’ were chosen. We would run the two stalls together with an area showing other parents an overview of what we have all achieved to date i.e. events, money raised and future plans etc.
Date of Next Meeting: To be confirmed.
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