Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Parent Council – 30th May 2012
Headteacher’s report

We have appointed a permanent teacher to the school, Chris Farrell who will start in August.  We still have three temporary posts to fill; two to cover RCCT and one to cover Cristina Press who is going on maternity leave.

Dates not already in the diary
Monday 4th June – jubilee celebration in school
Tuesday 5th June – jubilee holiday
Wednesday 20th June – P7 graduation at 1.30pm, all Parent Council members invited.
Thursday 21st June – P7 day out - This includes bowling, cinema and a meal.
Reports will be given out to parents on 15th June instead of 8th June as previously indicated on the calendar.

Newsletter will go out tomorrow and will have teachers and classes allocated for next session.
Restorative practices briefly explained in newsletter.
Cursive handwriting will be introduced next session.

Self evaluation
All consultation is complete and the Standards and Quality and School Improvement Plan will be completed by the end of June and will be issued to parents in August/September.

Main developments next session
Further work on engaging parents
Cursive handwriting
Grounds works following our award of £15000
Curriculum – literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing
GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) - paperwork will change, joint working of agencies to support children and families.

Community /Joint working
Following the children’s presentation to CRAG, the two schools have been asked to organise some further consultation across the community about small developments to improve the area e.g. benching, improvement of paths. This will take place in August ’12. CRAG will focus on developing a skate park.

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