Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Parent Council – 25th April 2012
Headteacher’s report

It has been very difficult to find supply teachers to cover absences.  The authority is aware of the problem.
We will have 9 classes next session and we are currently leeting for a permanent post.  We will also have temporary posts to appoint.
School roll will rise next session; predictions suggest that it will continue to do so.

Dates for diary
Wednesday 2nd May - CRAG 7pm at Community Centre
Friday 11th May – SNAG in the school, 11am

Events for classes
Nursery children will be going to Blair Drummond Safari Park on Tuesday 29th and Thursday 31st May.
P1 classes have visited the Toy Museum in Edinburgh.
P2 are visiting Callander House on Friday 25th May
P3 are going to Stirling Castle on Monday 18th June
P4 and P6 are going to Hampden Park on Tuesday 12th June
P5 will be visiting Dynamic Earth and the Parliament on Wednesday 16th May
P7 have had a fantastic time at Dalguise - “best thing I’ve ever done” and are planning their end of year activity.
Nursery ran a very successful French day last term.
P6 were part of an excellent Think Dance performance this week, a Soundstart concert and a Divided City performance with St Margaret’s pupils.
P7 pupils won a local basketball tournament and were invited to Kelvin Hall where they met the Rocks and took part in a final between Stirling schools.  We came in 3rd.  They have also visited Stirling Albion.

Jubilee Day
On Monday 4th June we are planning a Jubilee Day.  We are still at the planning stage but are hoping to have a garden party with traditional games and activities.

Parent engagement
We have had a very low response to our curriculum evening on 1st May and may need to cancel.  Ideas for how to engage parents would be very welcome.

Self evaluation
Parental questionnaires have been returned.  Children’s consultation will take place this term.

We had a successful joint pupil presentation to the CRAG to explain the children’s aspirations for the village open spaces.  They did a great job and presented confidently to a large group of adults.
Development of grounds – we have been awarded £15000 of government money to improve the school grounds.  We are clear that the area should be available for community use, including St Margaret’s Primary School.  Once we have developed the area we will look at ways of making the space available to others in the community.

Joint working
P4-7 pupils from both primaries will have a presentation form the author, Chris Mitchell on Wednesday 9th May.

Health and Safety
Parent Council asked for feedback on traffic issues around the school at the parents evening consultation in March.  We are keen that we work together to address issues.

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