Wednesday, 6 June 2012



Meeting Wednesday 30 May 2012

·          Attendees and Apologies
Attendees: Mrs McClure, Julie Moran (Secretary), Tammy Pollock, Amanda Arkell, Zandra, Mandy

Apologies: Mrs Innes, Sherry Houlihan, Jeff McGhie (Chair), Anne Williamson (Treasurer), Barbara, Christine Fairbairn

The minutes of the previous meeting on 25 April 2012 were approved and signed and no changes were made.  We welcomed the new members Zandra and Mandy to the meeting.  

  • Head Teacher’s Report
This is attached for your information.  Julie agreed to link in with Mr Stevenson about the plans for the Primary 7 Graduation Ceremony on 20 June 2012.  She also agreed to provide details of the profits the Parent Council had made in the past school year to Mrs McClure, for this information to be included in the School Newsletter.  The leaflet on ‘How to get parents involved with their child’s school’ was emailed by Julie to Mrs McClure to update, as we thought this was a good way to target parental involvement and recruit new members for the Parent Council in future.

The invite for the Primary 7 Graduation was passed around the group and for members that weren’t at the meeting everyone is welcome to attend on Wednesday 20 June at 1.30pm.  Please let Julie know if you are interested in attending for numbers to be collated, as refreshments will be served. 

  • A.O.B
Mandy asked why the school website was never updated for class and other school information.  Mrs McClure mentioned the difficulties in updating information on the website and the future tool for displaying this will be ‘Glow’.  Curriculum evenings are a good way to show the work children have done in class.

Amanda asked if the group were happy to donate a gift voucher for £30.00 to the raffle at the school Fun Day.  We all agreed with this and Amanda was happy to organise from the Parent Council funds, as well as making fruit cups that the school could sell at the Fun Day.

We spoke about arrangements for the end of term Shorts & Shades school disco.  The date agreed was Tuesday 12 June and Christine confirmed to Julie she had booked the DJ at a cost of £50.00.  

Julie agreed to do the communication to parents and print off tickets.  The ticket price and times are the same as before and this includes snack, drinks and party game prizes, as well as prizes for best dressed. 

Christine will get snacks and cups, Amanda volunteered to do party games and get prizes.  Mrs McClure will organise the school ‘let’, invite teachers and have the accident report to hand.  Tammy and Amanda will sell the tickets to children in school time.  

  • Dates of the Next Meetings
These are planned for the following months and further details will follow on the school calendar, issued at the start of the new school year.  As before we plan to hold two main fund raising events during the school year, one before Christmas and one after, still to be decided.  This is as well as two school discos!

September 2012 – AGM (Annual General Meeting) where roles are decided.
October 2012
November 2012
January 2013
March 2013
May 2013

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