Sunday, 26 February 2012


parentcouncil header.jpgCowie Primary School Parent Council

Meeting Wednesday 11 January 2012

· Attendees and Apologies

Attendees: Jeff McGhie (Chair), Anne Williamson (Treasurer), Tammy Pollock, Barbara, Amanda Arkell, Vivienne Innes (Headteacher), Julie Moran (Secretary), Mrs Bullivant (Guest/Teacher)

Apologies: Avril Knox, Michelle McArthur, Christine Fairbairn, Sherry Houlihan

The minutes of the previous meeting on 5 October 2011 were approved and signed and no changes were made. Our planned meeting in November was cancelled due to bad weather.

· Mrs Bullivant – Guest/Teacher

Mrs Bullivant spoke to the group about parental involvement in the school and ways this could possibly be improved at individual class events and whole school events. The group provided some feedback based on their own experiences and a questionnaire has since been issued to gauge feedback from all parents/carers. This will provide useful information and going forward will allow the school to produce an action plan.

  • Head Teacher’s Report

I have attached a copy of this for your information

  • Fundraising

We briefly spoke about the recent events that we had organised, the Dance-Fit Day, Halloween Disco and printed Tea Towels. Anne will provide the group with an update on the current funds in our account at our next meeting in February, once she has finalised the details.

The next event we plan to run is the Bunny Drive; similar to the Beetle Drive we held at the Miners Welfare last year and proved to be successful and fun. The proposed date for this is Wednesday 28 March. This will be instead of an Easter Disco, as we discussed that the Shorts and Shades Disco will go ahead before the end of the school year (meaning each school year we run two Discos and two planned fundraising events). Further planning of the Bunny Drive will be discussed at our meeting in February.

  • Date of Next Meeting

The date of our next meeting is on Wednesday 22 February 2012. See you all there!

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