Sunday, 26 February 2012


parentcouncil header.jpgCowie Primary School Parent Council

Meeting Wednesday 22 February 2012

· Attendees and Apologies

Attendees: Anne Williamson (Treasurer), Vivienne Innes (Headteacher), Julie Moran (Secretary), Sherry Houlihan, Tammy Pollock, Billy

Apologies: Avril Knox, Christine Fairbairn, Jeff McGhie (Chair), Barbara, Amanda Arkell

The minutes of the previous meeting on 11 January 2012 were approved and signed and no changes were made. The Student Support Service did not turn up to do their short presentation as planned.

  • Head Teacher’s Report

I have attached a copy of this for your information. Regarding the health and safety initiative, Mrs Innes mentioned that the JRSOs (Junior Road Safety Officers) have some photos to display to parents/carers. She asked for volunteers to set up a display for the Parent Consultations on 29 February and 1 March. Sherry and Tammy agreed to do this beforehand. Tammy and possibly Amanda will help man the display on Wednesday 29 February (3.30pm – 6.30pm) and Julie agreed to ask for helpers to man the display on Thursday 1 March (6.00pm – 8.00pm). It was also discussed that the JRSOs could help with this and communicate the key messages. Mrs Innes to consider this further.

  • Fundraising

We discussed details of the Easter Bunny Drive we plan to organise and run on Wednesday 28 March. We agreed doors would open at 6.00pm and for the event to start from 6.15pm sharp, running until approximately 8.15pm. The costs of the tickets are £2.50 for adults and £1.00 for children. Julie will ask Rachel for help to do the tickets. Mrs Innes will organise the ‘let’ for the school hall.

So that we know how many tickets to sell, a couple of volunteers agreed to go into the school on Thursday 1 March at 3.00pm to set up the tables in the hall. This will give us an idea how many this will hold.

Mrs Innes will arrange for the Easter Bunny Drive sheets to be printed off (10 games in total) and to source dice, pens/pencils, instructions and whiteboard, which are required on the night.

Sherry agreed to buy the hot/cold drinks, biscuits, cups, spoons, plates etc. for refreshments at the interval. Sherry will arrange flasks for the hot water, jugs for the juice and tables for the refreshments in the hall.

Amanda has issued a letter asking local businesses for donations of prizes to be used for the raffle, that we plan to run at the interval. If need be, we will use funds to purchase a couple of raffle prizes. Amanda will also arrange/purchase Easter egg prizes to be given to the winner of each game, and a bigger egg will be given to the overall highest scorers at the end (both adult and child winner) and a booby prize to the lowest scorers (both adult and child).

Julie will arrange for the communication to be issued a couple of weeks before the event. This will include details of when the entrance tickets will be on sale in the school from and raffle tickets to sell to family and friends. Sherry, Tammy and Anne will organise between them to be in school to collect money/raffle tickets from the appropriate date.

Mrs Innes will chair/steer the event on the night and invite staff to come along to this also.

We will need volunteers on the night to set up the tables/hall, collect tickets at the door, sell raffle tickets, help in the hall, serve refreshments and help with the raffle. As always, it will be all hands on deck!

  • A.O.B

Sherry mentioned that observations had been made of staff using the car park entrance to the school, which is not displaying a good example to children. Mrs Innes will look into this.

Mrs Innes mentioned that a pilot group has been set up within the school to do cursive writing, to try and improve the presentation of writing skills.

Anne confirmed that the Parent Council Account balance was currently £1,774.02. However, approximately £550.00 will be deducted from this amount for the cost of the tea towels that the school purchased on behalf of the Parent Council.

Sherry mentioned about the lack of parent helpers to do the healthy tuck-shop on a Friday. Amanda was not at the meeting, but she will look into the food hygiene requirements and also source parent helpers. Mrs Innes suggested an ad-hoc rota for this.

Mrs Innes to check that the Homework Hints not sent electronically were issued to the appropriate parents/carers, as Sherry mentioned she did not receive her copy.

Mrs Innes spoke about the children from Primary 7 that represented the school at the Rotary Quiz at Stirling High on 27 January, hosted by Scottish broadcaster and author Neil Oliver. It was the first time the event was run and it received good feedback. It was a great experience for the children and was enjoyed by all that attended. Hopefully, it will continue in years to come!

  • Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 25 April at 7.00pm in the school. Hope to see you all there.

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